Four new films in Lyon’s metropolitan districts

Since 2016, the CinéFabrique has been carrying out cultural activities in the Lyon metropolitan area, targeting young people living in priority neighbourhoods. The main objective is to give young participants a voice, to dispel their feeling of self-censorship, and to allow them to explore their creative potential. These young people will thus collectively write a film, accompanied by a director.

Between 2019 and 2020, 4 new workshops have been set up thanks to the precious collaboration of the socio-cultural partners in the area.

Joueuse, a film by Hala Rajab
shot in Lyon 9 (Vergoin district) in partnership with Pôle 9 St-Rambert

Fusible, a film by Coline Costes and Janis Reyes
shot in Villeurbanne (St-Jean district) in partnership with the Centre d’animation St-Jean
>> >> Le making of – by Gahis Idir

Numero uno, a clip by Zacarya Akiki
shot in Lyon 9 (La Duchère district) in partnership with the MJC Duchère
>> watch the clip

Ceux qui restent, a film by Vanda Braems
shot in Givors in partnership with the MJC – Moulin Madiba

More than 50 young people have participed for months in the film practice workshops. They imagined a scenario, explored their neighbourhood to find suitable locations for filming, met film professionals and discovered the behind-the-scenes work involved in creating a film.
A technical team was present to ensure that the filming went smoothly, but also to answer questions from residents and young participants, in a process of exchange and learning.

Thank to the financial partners who trusted us and who made these projects possible.