Elementary School Workshops

CinéFabrique offers a week-long visual arts workshop to 4 CM1 and CM2 classes in the city of Lyon.

The workshops are held during the school day, working in conjunction with teachers at each of the schools. Workshops last the entire week and involve all students in the class and the whole school day.

Lessons are taught by CinéFabrique students and culminate in about 20 short films written, performed, and co-directed with the elementary students.

CinéFabrique students earn 2 ECTS credits for teaching the workshops, which are an essential part of their curriculum. Between the preparation work and a week of writing, filming, and post-production, students spend 3 weeks on the workshop.

Lessons are taught jointly with student performers from partner schools: the prestigious dramatic arts school La Comédie de Saint-Étienne and the Saint-Étienne and Lyon conservatories.

2018 – 2019 PARTNERSHIPS:

– Groupe scolaire Frédéric Mistral
– Ecole Alphonse Daudet
– Ecole Antonin Laborde
– Ecole Les Grillons