The Orientation and Preparation Class allows students to experiment with different artistic practices to build their training project and continue the programme in higher education.

The Orientation and Preparation Class (COP) is a free introductory film and theatre course that accepts about 10 participants aged 18 to 21 based on their applications and financial status. A diploma is not necessary.

COP is an opportunity for youth in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to explore various aspects of film and theatre to help them decide on an educational path and how best to pursue their higher education.

Programme participants spend a year learning about the audio-visual arts, live shows, and visual arts in general. The programme allows them to discover and explore a variety of careers and help them choose an educational pathway, whether it is going on to fine arts school, taking a classe préparatoire to prepare for entry into a major art school, pursuing a diplôme national des métiers d’art et du design or brevet de technicien supérieur, or enrolling in university or CinéFabrique.

The goal of COP is to expand participants’ horizons and increase their confidence through an exploration of film and theatre. It is not intended to turn participants into filmmakers, but simply to offer resources to those who have already demonstrated a penchant for the field, provide them with a quality introduction to different careers using professional equipment, and refresh their knowledge of general subjects.


Conditions d’admission