COP – Application Requirements

Index: COP – Application Requirements

  1. COP - Formation
  2. COP - Conditions d'admission

Must be between the ages of 18 and 21 as of 31 December of the year of enrolment.
Must qualify for a scholarship from the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Learning, and Research, or from the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (the avis d’impostion tax notice must be presented at the time of enrolment).

Must reside in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region.
A diploma is not required.
The teaching committee shortlists applicants based on their application (CV, cover letter, questionnaire).
Participants are then invited to attend a three-day hands-on workshop for final selection.

Enrolment is closed for COP 2019–2020.

For more information, please contact


COP participants do not have student status and therefore are not eligible for scholarships from the Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CROUS).

However, private scholarships are distributed by a committee to each student for the duration of the programme based on an evaluation of applications.