Coline Costes_Alors que je cherchais Lola
  • Movie title: Alors que je cherchais Lola
  • Director: Coline Costes

Synopsis :
Lola is stuck between being herself and what others want her to be, between spontaneity and forethought, clear thinking and obscurity, living the way she wants to and the expectations that guide her. In a fast-moving world, she prefers to keep her distance and lie to herself.

This film was selected for the 18th Rencontres du Cinéma Européen de Vannes and won the audience award at the 2019 Lyon Young Film Fest .

Le film a été sélectionné aux 18e Rencontres du cinéma Européen de Vannes et il a remporté le prix du public au Lyon Young Film Fest en 2019.

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